lion Venter Surname Project

Venter Enclave in Romania

The Venter Surname Research Project has recently learned of an enclave of Venter families located in the north-west region of Romania and possibly spilling over into eastern Hungary.

We have very little information regarding this Venter population. As of now, we don't know if this is a unique genetic line of Venters, or if it is a distant branch of the German line. We have no idea as to how long they have lived in this area or where they originally came from.

We are very interested in finding out as much as possible about this Venter line.

We encourage anyone who may have information on this branch of the Venter clan to contact us in order that we may increase our knowledgebase regarding all the Venters of the world, regardless of where they may be found.

Map Showing the area in which the Romanian Venters Live

(Click on the dashed section of map or here to zoom to Borod area.)


Prepared by Robert Venter
The Venter Surname Project

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